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Gigarom Macintosh Archives (Quantum Leap)(CDRM1080320)(1993).iso
LineShare DEMO.sea
LineShare Scripts
Supra Fax2&TeleFinder
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246 lines
! LineShare™ Script for SupraFax v32bis modems
! This script is designed for Class 2 fax software and -
! ••• Make sure that you have "H" or better ROMs in your modem!
! This script is designed to use with the TeleFinder™ BBS.
! For some reasons TeleFinder redefines the LineFeed character (S4)
! We don't redefine it really, but we emulate modem responses with that symbol
! This trick is done with the lines marked with '$$$$'
! If you want to modify this script for your modem, pay attention to
! the line marked "#### Settings ####" - it should be modified first
! The TeleFinder "Host Options" used:
! "Adjust BPS to line speed" - *disabled*
! "Use Break Reset" - *enabled*,
! ------------------------------------------
! Resetting the modem:
! ------------------------------------------
SetTries 2
HsReset 0,0,17,19,0,0
! Try to catch the "OK" answer, use the Escape seq and DTR transitions
! to enter the command mode
@Label 1
matchstr 1 2 "OK\r\n"
write "ATH0&F1\r"
matchread 20
Write "+++"
pause 10
IfTries 0 1
! OSErr -6019 "Modem error - the modem is not responding"
exit -6019
@Label 2
write "AT+FCLASS=0\r"
Jsr 100
write "AT+FAA=0\r"
Jsr 100
exit 0
! ------------------------------------------
! Receiving incoming calls
! ------------------------------------------
@Label 10
! Set the modem preferred speed first
SERRESET 2400,0,8,1
Jsr 80
! Set the common options
Jsr 70
! Set the communication options:
! Extended response set
! • N1 - Connect at the highest rate
! • \N3 Enable MNP/V42 connections (for TeleFinder)
! • &K4 - Xon/Xoff flow control (for Fax)
! • Fax mode, class 2 (to enable fax tuning commands)
@Label 11
! #### Settings ####
Write "ATX4N1\\N3&K4+FCLASS=2\r"
Jsr 100
! Set the "work" speed
@Label 12
SERRESET 19200,0,8,1
Jsr 80
! Set Fax parameters: LID, DCC,BOR
Write "AT+FLID=\"Stalker_GmbH\"\r"
Jsr 100
Write "AT+FDCC=1,3,0,2,0,0,0,0\r"
Jsr 100
Write "AT+FBOR=1\r"
Jsr 100
! Allow modem to receive fax messages
Write "AT+FCR=1\r"
Jsr 100
! Tell the modem to determine the type of the incoming call
! Fetch the tube after N rings, where N has been set in the control panel (^4)
Write "ATS0=^4+FAA=1\r"
Jsr 100
! Everything is ready - let's sit and wait for a call
! We'll wait for 2 minutes, then reinitiate the modem
@Label 20
matchstr 1 20 "RING\r"
matchstr 2 21 "CONNECT"
matchstr 13 30 "+FCON"
matchstr 14 10 "\r\nNO "
matchstr 15 10 "BUSY"
Matchread 1200
jump 10
! Data connection has been established (we read "CONNECT")
! Remove everything till "\r\n" from the buffer
! Emulate the CONNECT 2400 message (with modified LineFeed chars)
! Attach the "TF" subPort
@Label 21
MatchStr 1 22 "\r\n"
MatchRead 10
exit -6019
@Label 22
QueueInput "\r\27CONNECT 2400\r\27"
! Fax connection has been established (we read "+FCON")
! Put the +FCON back to the buffer,
! Put the "RING" before the "+FCON"
! Attach the "Fax" subPort
@Label 30
QueueInput "\r\nRING\r\n\r\n+FCON"
Attach "Fax" (DTR,RESET,ESCAPE,IDLELimit=30)
! ------------------------------------------
! Originating a call through the "Fax" subPort
! ------------------------------------------
! Set the preffered speed
! SERRESET 2400,0,8,1
! Jsr 80
! Set the common options
! Jsr 70
! Set the "Data" speed
SERRESET 19200,0,8,1
Jsr 80
! Set the Fax mode
Write "AT+FCLASS=2\r"
Jsr 100
! Now emit all commands that the application has sent to that port,
! Prepare to receive all error result codes
!EmitClear "S","S","S","&","&","\\","\\"
Jsr 60
! Prepare to connect
Jsr 90
MatchStr 1 51 "\r\n+FCON"
HsReset *
Write "ATD^1\r"
MatchRead 700
Write "\r"
Exit -6019
QueueInput "\r\n+FCON"
Attach "Fax" (DTR,RESET,ESCAPE,IDLELimit=30)
! This section emits all modem commands sent by the client application
! For each set of commands the "OK" answer is awaited
@Label 60
@Label 61
EmitCommand 62
Jsr 100
Jump 61
@Label 62
! This section initiates the modem before ANSWER and ORIGINATEs:
! factory settings + speaker control +
! reset on Dtr drop + DCD valid
! Verbal responses mode, no echo
! Set &S1 (DSR) in case the cable connects the DSR signal with the CTS pin
@Label 70
Write "ATM^2L^3&D2&C1V1E0\r"
Jsr 100
! This section syncronize the modem after the serial port speed switching
@Label 80
ChrDelay 1
Write "AT\r"
ChrDelay 0
Jsr 100
! Prepare to receive error result codes
@Label 90
MatchStr 2 91 "NO DIALTONE\r\n"
MatchStr 3 92 "BUSY\r\n"
MatchStr 4 93 "NO CARRIER\r\n"
MatchStr 5 94 "NO ANSWER\r\n"
@Label 91
exit -6020
@Label 92
exit -6022
@Label 93
exit -6021
@Label 94
exit -6023
! Processing the AT command:
! OK -> proceed
! ERROR or TimeOut ->exit -6019
! It can be called AFTER the "Write" command, since LineShare buffers input
@Label 100
MatchStr 1 102 "\r\nOK\r\n"
MatchStr 2 101 "\r\nERROR\r\n"
MatchRead 20
@Label 101
Exit -6019
@Label 102